PPA: hardy, bzr-builddeb - provide backport of python-debian?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Oct 14 10:29:08 BST 2010

>>>>> Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com> writes:

    > Hi,
    > I went to update bzr-builddeb in the PPA, but it now requires a newer
    > python-debian than ships on hardy:

    >   Option 1) Backport python-debian in the ~bzr PPA.

    >   Option 2) Cease providing bzr-builddeb on hardy.

    > I doubt it would be much effort to backport, my concern is more on the
    > appropriateness of shipping non-bzr packages like python-debian in the
    > ~bzr PPA.

    > Your thoughts?

I think we don't *need* bzr-builddeb on hardy. So unless someone
specifically ask for it, I would just punt.


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