Diff and merge of archives - proposal

Chris Hecker checker at d6.com
Wed Oct 13 21:57:21 BST 2010

I would SO much rather see equivalent effort put towards handling large 
binaries better in general, than into something specific to archives, 
but that's just my opinion.

Almost none of the big binary files used in game development are 
archives, for example (images, 3d models, audio, etc.).


On 2010/10/13 13:46, jbowtie at amathaine.com wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:28 AM, Alexander Belchenko<bialix at ukr.net>  wrote:
>> jbowtie at amathaine.com пишет:
>>> Again, looking for feedback on obvious design issues before I start my
>>> implementation.
>>> I propose adding the handling of archives to the core diff and merge
>>> algorithms via a DiffArchive class. There will be a new flag
>>> --treat-archives-as-binaries which can be used to avoid the
>>> performance hit of compressing and decompressing archives.
>> I'd prefer enable flag instead of disable, i.e. --archive-support or
>> something like that to enable the feature instead of disabling it.
>> Also you may want to look at using rules file, or store settings in
>> branch.conf or in the .bzrmeta/rules or something else to have this option
>> configured in some config file.
> Yes, it makes sense to make it opt-in until further notice. And we
> would want that to be configurable as well, obviously.

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