Behavior of 'rm' and 'mv' under bazaar

Mark A. Flacy mflacy at
Wed Oct 13 18:59:49 BST 2010

On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 11:31 -0500, Neil Martinsen-Burrell wrote:
> On 2010-10-13 09:45 , Tom Browder wrote:
> > But, and this is different from subversion, c is shown as a new file
> > which MUST be committed if I want it in the current mainline.
> This is true.  Relative to the previous revision, c is a new file.  The 
> fact that there was a file named c in a previous revision isn't relevant 
> to Bazaar.  In Bazaar, there is (currently) no way to indicate that the 
> file c in this revision is the same as the file with the same name in a 
> previous revision.  (Internally to Bazaar they have different file IDs.)

I believe that Bazaar used to support the Gnu Arch concept of a tag
within the beginning or end of a file which positively identified the
file.  I do not know if bzr supports that idea. (I can think of reasons
not to do so.)

Mark A. Flacy <mflacy at>

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