Release config file syntax

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed Oct 13 06:18:52 BST 2010

Gordon Tyler пишет:
> On 10/13/2010 12:26 AM, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> The whole idea behind scmproj and bzr-externals is to automatize
>> checkout of complex project with all its dependencies. bzr-externals
>> works seamless because it's using hooks. scmproj required user to use
>> new commands. But the core idea is mostly the same.
>> For both you can configure every component of your complex project:
>> * where from to get it on checkout/branch/pull
>> * where to put it in the working tree
>> * explicit revision (revno, revid, tag, etc)
> What about components that are not available as a bzr branch and can
> only be fetched from a URL?

That's one is lacking. Initially I wanted to implement such support
for scmproj, but it did not happen for several reasons, mainly because
of lack of interest and feedback from other people.

So if you need fetch some files from URL neither bzr-externals nor
scmproj will help you. Unless you import these files into bzr branch ;-)

>> Anyway, that's your call, even if for me it sounds like NIH. My past
>> attempts to introduce scmproj to handle build configuration have
>> failed. That's a karma, I guess.
> It may be a case of NIH. I do have a tendency to run off and implement
> things from scratch, mainly because I have fun doing so and also because
> I think I can do it better even though I actually may not. ;)

That's fine, I'm sorry if I said something wrong or harsh.

> I'll certainly take a look at bzr-externals and scmproj.

Only if you really wish. You don't have to.

All the dude wanted was his rug back

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