What is the status of the qbzr diff/merge config bug (489915)?

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Tue Oct 12 21:54:26 BST 2010

On Tue, October 12, 2010 4:36 pm, Patrick van der Velde wrote:
> I thought I had that but when I clicked the links to the files it only
> opens the file in some random editor (wordpad in my case). And there's

You can change which editor it uses in Settings -> Configuration -> User

> no right-click option either. I noticed that there is a view on the
> right that shows the file tree but in order to find out if anything
> has changed I'd have to go through all the files.
> I guess I'm missing something blatant so I'll try again.

If you click the little icon (looks like two overlapped windows) to the
left of a modified file, it will show the diff for that file. Also, if you
click the Diff icon in the toolbar at the top of the window, it will show
the diff for all modified files in the branch.

You can also get diffs of individual files or all files in the Commit window.


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