Question on Windows Build
Maritza Mendez
martitzam at
Tue Oct 12 16:22:19 BST 2010
This sounds all too familiar but it sounds very workable. So to sum
up...we now get zlib via python...latest pycrypto is ok...and paramiko
needs a windows-specific patch. Today I hope to ready Garys' notes
and get distutils properly configured for visual studios cl.
Thanks...I really appreciate all the patient advice as I work on this
between other things.
On 10/12/10, Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 12/10/2010 16:20, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> On 10/9/2010 11:04 AM, Maritza Mendez wrote:
>>> I'm going to set up a Winx86 build and then see if I can make it go for
>>> Winx64.
>>> I'm looking at doc/win32_build_setup.txt and have a couple questions and
>>> a tip:
>>> After following references, its not obvious to me whether this is still
>>> relevant:
>>> k) Patch pycrypto, so that it supports older Windows installs.
>>> (see bugs
>>> #248522, #272791, #497733). The direct link to the patch is:
>>> This may not end up necessary w/ pycrypto 2.1, especially if
>>> paramiko can
>>> be taught to use the new functionality (avoiding the warning).
>>> Is that timing patch still needed for Windows? I'm guessing yes, but
>>> I'd like a confirmation.
>> I believe for the lastest installers we've used a patched paramiko and a
>> newer pycrypto. Gary has been doing the work, so he would know for sure.
>> Basically, paramiko was doing a couple things that pycrypto didn't like
>> (especially on Windows with a slow time.time() tick). We patched around
>> it, and tried to submit it upstream, but they said "We're changing that
>> completely in the next release". Which took about a year to actually be
>> released. And paramiko then needed to be updated to match, but paramiko
>> hasn't done anything either...
>> (Also note that just upgrading pycrypto causes it to start issuing lots
>> of warnings about using the old api.)
>> So we'll have to watch closely here, as there have been a lot of
>> dependency issues.
> For 2.2 and 2.3, I have been including pycrypto 2.3, and a patched
> version of paramiko 1.7.6, that woks with the new pycrypto api.
> The patched version of paramiko is here:
> I sent a pull requst (mp in bzr land) to the maintainer of paramiko, but
> have not got any response :-(
> Gary
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