Question on Windows Build

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Oct 12 15:20:50 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 10/9/2010 11:04 AM, Maritza Mendez wrote:
> I'm going to set up a Winx86 build and then see if I can make it go for
> Winx64.
> I'm looking at doc/win32_build_setup.txt and have a couple questions and
> a tip:
> After following references, its not obvious to me whether this is still
> relevant:
>        k) Patch pycrypto, so that it supports older Windows installs.
>     (see bugs
>           #248522, #272791, #497733). The direct link to the patch is:
>           This may not end up necessary w/ pycrypto 2.1, especially if
>     paramiko can
>           be taught to use the new functionality (avoiding the warning).
> Is that timing patch still needed for Windows?  I'm guessing yes, but
> I'd like a confirmation.

I believe for the lastest installers we've used a patched paramiko and a
newer pycrypto.  Gary has been doing the work, so he would know for sure.

Basically, paramiko was doing a couple things that pycrypto didn't like
(especially on Windows with a slow time.time() tick). We patched around
it, and tried to submit it upstream, but they said "We're changing that
completely in the next release". Which took about a year to actually be
released. And paramiko then needed to be updated to match, but paramiko
hasn't done anything either...

(Also note that just upgrading pycrypto causes it to start issuing lots
of warnings about using the old api.)

So we'll have to watch closely here, as there have been a lot of
dependency issues.

> Also I'm guessing that the advice on downloading the prebuilt (32-bit)
> zlib DLL should change for x64.  Yes?

We shouldn't need the zlib dll anymore. It *would* need to be changed to
64-bit, but we changed the code to just use the python apis after all.

> FYI, the advice about PuTTY's ssh-agent,
>        If you do this, you'll probably also want to install a shortcut to
>        ``pageant.exe`` in Start / Programs / Startup so that it always
>     starts when
>        you log in (though you still have to manually add your ssh keys.)
> can be improved by noticing that Windows shortcuts can pass arguments. 
> If you edit the shortcut property and change the target from "C:\Program
> Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe" to "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe" "<full
> path to your private key>" then every time you log in you will be
> prompted for your passphrase (You did set a passphrase, right?) and then
> automatically load and cache your private key.  Obviously, if you don't
> have control of the machine and need to worry about other processes
> sniffing memory, then do not do this.  Note that I recommend
> double-quotes around each of the exe path and the key path as a best
> practice to deal with spaces in Windows paths.

It isn't really relevant to the rest of the stuff, and can probably just
be pulled out. I agree that this is possible, though.


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