dir under bzr and svn simultaneously

Talden talden at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 11:04:28 BST 2010

>> I know this is probably not very typical but one of our devs is working on
>> a
>> project where he gets a zipped tree from upstream (some propriety thing)
>> and
>> he tweaks it and extends it.  The tree from upstream is polluted with .svn
>> directories all over the place but we don't have access to the upstream
>> svn
>> server.
> Yes, this pollution is one of the main reasons why I despise SVN... Awful
> when you grep, for example.

Tinkering with some svn 1.7 early access binaries shows promise.
They're only now beginning to realise performance improvements in the
new working copy but at least that pollution (and all that wasted
diskspace) is gone.

Still, if Bazaar had the IDE integration I'm sure we'd all be using
Bazaar by now - even without externals, partial checkouts, etc (not
that I actually like any of those features, they just happen to be in
use where I work).


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