bazaar and ecryptfs

Tom Browder tom.browder at
Mon Oct 11 12:40:18 BST 2010

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 00:31, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> On 9 October 2010 02:45, Tom Browder <tom.browder at> wrote:
> I haven't used bzr on ecryptfs very much, but I know others have.
> Personally I have all of /home on a luks-encrypted partition.
> To be more precise, ecryptfs is configured to have a ~/Private
> directory, the encrypted representation of which is stored at
> ~/.Private an the underlying repository.
> It sounds like you want to use bzr as a backup tool, which can work,
> but generally things designed to be backup tools work better.  What
> are you trying to accomplish or what problem are you trying to protect
> against?

First I am using bzr as a version control tool for my private data,
not for backup.  Then I need to back that encrypted data up onto my
two backup disks on another host.  At the moment I'm using
rdiff-backup, which may not be the best choice in this case.

Eventually I would like to use more encryption, but am feeling my way.

Thanks, Martin.



Thomas M. Browder, Jr.
Niceville, Florida

> --
> Martin

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