[RFC] Releases planning

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Oct 8 17:54:15 BST 2010

>>>>> Gary van der Merwe <garyvdm at gmail.com> writes:

    > On 07/10/2010 18:17, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
    >> And even when it is automated, it is still a bunch of stuff to kick off.
    >> 4 releases by about 6+ platforms is 24 builds. (mac, win, lucid,
    >> maverick, ?, debian, etc).

    > Mac Os 10.6 and 10.5
    > For ubuntu, we also have ppa, and uploads to the ubuntu archives.

Yup, we can't automate all of thems yet, but every little step will be a

I'm still waiting for the hack-transport fix from mgz to land and then I
would add an OSX slave to babune and from there the OSX installers will
be pretty much in nightly build mode. From trunk to start with and then
for the stable series as time permit.

I would also like to test building our nightly ppa with recipes but I
haven't found the time to look into it properly (volunteers ? help ?
advices ? everything is welcome ;). This may also be partly (or almost
completely ?) automatable.

As for windows if we could transplant the dev setup one other time, we
should be in a good position to look at automating this installation[1]
(and *then* we could look at automating some part of the build process

Or look into automating some external dependencies downloads (to prevent
them to disappear from the face of the internet)... I don't
know enough about the details there, pointers welcome.

I also like to collect the versions[2] shipped in all distributions where
bzr is packaged (FreeBSD, gentoo, cygwin, Fedora, RedHat, you name it),
additional bonus points for scripts than can collect this data (so we
can more easily collectively track them, I have a few setups where I can
run them but not all).


[1]: The OSX one went smoothly but I know that windows is harder to
setup right and maintain :-/

[2]: bzr itself but also its dependencies and the plugins.

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