[RFC] Releases planning

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Oct 8 16:10:57 BST 2010

>>>>> John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:


    > Looking at the download counts doesn't give me a clear idea of what's
    > going on.

Indeed :-/ And we lack the ppas stats and the Ubuntu installs or


    > There were definitely a lot of people using 2.1.1, but I'm
    > guessing most migrated to the 2.2 series.

That's my guess too, I'd love some harder number though.

    > There is a definite tail-off in interest in the 2.0 series. Going
    > from a peak of almost 13k downloads to a total of *17* downloads
    > of the latest available version.

If this 17 is relevant then we should really stop maintaining the 2.0
series (which we agreed upon anyway) but I suspect we have more users
than that for potential upgrades.


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