2GB limit

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Oct 4 02:10:02 BST 2010

Maritza Mendez writes:

 > 2. Does anyone know if any other dvcs system has solved the VM problem?  If
 > so we might put our "big file" projects in git or Mercurial until bzr can
 > handle them.

In theory, git should have no problems handling large files as long as
you don't pack the repo (since it just compresses and uncompresses the
file as a stream using zlib and OS calls -- if the OS and zlib can
handle the file, git can), and it's probably OK packing the repo as
well for the same reason -- it needs the packfile's index in memory,
but not the packfile itself.  Except for doing fastimport stuff, I
don't think git ever needs a whole content file in memory.

I believe Mercurial works the same way (ie, it treats content files as
streams), but I've never had the need to worry about it.

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