Commercial sponsorship of bzr development? (was Re: 2GB limit)

Brian de Alwis briandealwis at
Sat Oct 2 22:29:23 BST 2010

On 2-Oct-2010, at 3:49 PM, Maritza Mendez wrote:
> 1. How soon is bug 109114 [] likely to get attention from Canonical? 

Martin, given that this and some other issues seem to be of importance to commercial entities, I idly wondered what it would cost for contracting Canonical for implementation.  I tried trawling from the Bazaar home page for a link describing Canonical's consulting rates or contacts for project estimation, but didn't find anything — a page about Canonical and open-source, and some pages on Core Engineering relating to Ubuntu.  And the contact-us form from the engineering page leads to an unrelated form for establishing Ubuntu-related partnerships.

I am assuming that Canonical would undertake contract work.  Ideally there would be a page that set out some initial ballpark figures for different scopes of work — enough to help someone determine if it's worth his/her while to approach management for a budget request.  For some of these companies, sponsoring the development may cost far less than switching to an alternative system, especially if several companies shared the costs.

And if there are other bzr hackers who are available for hire, perhaps you should add yourselves to the support page (  It's pretty sparse!


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