Thinking about binary diff and merge

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Oct 1 05:22:59 BST 2010

On 1 October 2010 13:49, John C Barstow <jbowtie at> wrote:
> On 29/09/10 15:28, Martin Pool wrote:
>> As much as possible it would be good to make the definition of how to
>> run different diff merge things work without writing new Python, so
>> it's more accessible to users.
> I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean being able to configure it
> to call out to external diff/merge programs?
> I'm assuming that, at least for the first versions, users will install
> bzr plugins that are purpose-written for diffing and merging specific
> file types.

I do.  I think for things like recursively diffing through zip files,
you may well want to do it in Python, but it also ought to be possible
to just tell bzr to run zipdiff $base $a $b and have it produce those
temporary files.  Of course if you have a reasonably good Python
interface you can write this on top of it.


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