creating debian binary Package?

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Oct 1 01:23:40 BST 2010

On 1 October 2010 05:45, Tim Michelsen <timmichelsen at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I successfully figured out how to work with bzr build.
> Please help me with the final step:
> After running bzr dailydeb [1], how do I create the binary package ready
> for installation?
> Thanks for your advice,
> Timmie
> [1]:

Hi Timmie,

This question is fine here but would be a bit more on topic on the

There are a couple of options.

If you want to put the package into a PPA, then rather than building
the binary locally, you should use '--dput ppa:timmie/whatever'
(having previously created that ppa through the web interface).  The
source will be uploaded and built in Soyuz.

If you want to build the binary locally, there is a vast array of
different tools you could use but one of them would be 'debuild -i'
from within the source tree.    Many people like to build packages
isolated from their regular work environment, in which case you can
look at using 'pdebuild', though that does require a bit of initial


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