Converting subtree format to non-subtree format

Harry Flink to-harry-from-bzrmailinglist at
Thu Sep 30 08:00:43 BST 2010

Hi John,

On Thu, September 30, 2010 09:07, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> I was hoping for something like SVNs
>> "svnadmin dump" text format. I dont know if it
> Grab the 'bzr-fastimport' plugin, and then you can do:
>   bzr fast-export
> bzr init-repo --2a target
> cd target
> bzr fast-import ../
> Which should preserve the general contents, etc.
> John

This sounded like a perfect solution, just
what I was hoping for :).

During export I had warnings like this (as expected):
09:11:52 WARNING: cannot export 'vhdl/as5045' of kind tree-reference yet -
No other warnings nor errors during export, everything seemed OK.

Then I tried to import but with less success:

$ bzr init-repo --2a proj-importtest
Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
  shared repository: proj-importtest

$ cd proj-importtest
$ bzr fast-import ../import.txt
09:33:42 Collecting statistics ...
09:33:57 Starting import of 4363 commits ...
WARNING: ignoring rename of vhdl/as5045 to vhdllib/as5045 - old path does
not exist (:6)
ABORT: exception occurred processing commit :178
bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving u'nios/lib',
reason: repeated path

Then I tried with --classic and --experimental but bzr
crashes to the very same place with same error messages
except the end of the 'lib-20100930063357-nsglcptfuzc8e1ya-7'
is different (I guess its just random/hash/etc).

I guess I have done something that is not supported.
I wish there was just some --just-ignore-all-errors
flag on fast-import but couldnt find one and even if
it worked repository could be missing something of
the history.

Best Regards,
Harry Flink

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