Post Commit Update

Michael Andronov michael_andronov at
Wed Sep 29 04:10:06 BST 2010

As John mentioned, there are 2 ways to access the bzr repository.
In my case, I was not able to control the way people preferred to
access the repositories.
So, I had to assume that people would access the repository directly.

I found the solution by monitoring the .bzr/repository/lock by inotify program.

So, the script is maintained by cron, and the main part of it:
while /usr/local/bin/inotifywait -e delete  $srcR/.bzr/repository/lock
| grep 'DELETE,ISDIR releasing' &> /dev/null; do
#   the actual work will be done...
su $bzrUser -c "$wrkDir/ $cmdL "
bzrUser -- the user, on which account the will run;
cmdL     -- inline parameters, if any;
$wrkDit/ -- the path to & the post Commit script itself...
see 'man inotify' for details on inotify. (OSX has similar service via launchd)

I'm not saying that the above is a perfect solution.
But depending on what your goal is, the above may do the trick for
your project too.


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