Roadmap for Bazaar...

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue Sep 28 00:16:10 BST 2010

John Szakmeister пишет:
> On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Tim Penhey <tim at> wrote:
>> Thanks John for kicking this off.
>> I advocate for Bazaar use when I talk to people about revision control.
>> Particularly I'm talking with start-up businesses, students, or companies that
>> have CVS or Subversion running.
>> One think I'd love to see, and I know it is something that core devs just
>> won't get authorisation to work on, is some smart, out of the box, remote
>> hosting solution.
>> Something so a remote server (to the developer that is) is set up to easily
>> allow multiple people to push branches to a protected area, and have
>> restricted access to trunk.  And to have this configurable for multiple
>> projects.
> /me agrees.  I also put something together for my workplace, but I'm
> not that thrilled with it.  It still doesn't help with branch
> management, nor making it easy to manipulate the access controls. :-(
> It'd be nice to see a complete, and well thought-out solution for the
> masses.

+1e3. The masses will be very very grateful for this.

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