Roadmap for Bazaar...

Tim Penhey tim at
Sun Sep 26 23:45:18 BST 2010

Thanks John for kicking this off.

I advocate for Bazaar use when I talk to people about revision control.  
Particularly I'm talking with start-up businesses, students, or companies that 
have CVS or Subversion running.

One think I'd love to see, and I know it is something that core devs just 
won't get authorisation to work on, is some smart, out of the box, remote 
hosting solution.

Something so a remote server (to the developer that is) is set up to easily 
allow multiple people to push branches to a protected area, and have 
restricted access to trunk.  And to have this configurable for multiple 

This would really help corporate uptake and simple use for small groups.

I hacked something up on my local server, but this required specific groups to 
be created, making the group the default for the users, and using the group 
sticky bit on the filesystem.  This seemed overly complex to me to allow 
specific people write access to a single branch.

I hope I can convince someone that this is a worthwhile project to take on.


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