Roadmap for Bazaar...

John Szakmeister john at
Tue Sep 21 14:44:28 BST 2010

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> John Szakmeister пишет:
>> However, r7000 may not have changed trunk.  Perhaps r6970 was the last
>> revision that changed trunk.  Unfortunately, Bazaar will treat
>> svn:7000 as an unknown revision when talking about trunk, instead of
>> doing what Subversion would do and realize that r7000 and r6970 have
>> the same content.  It's particularly problematic for project where
>> someone breaks something, and folks set the revision number to the one
>> just before it broke.  Hopefully that makes more sense.
> Yes, it makes sense. Thank you for explanation. But it seems for me this is
> more bug/feature request in bzr-svn rather than in bzr core, isn't it?

Yes, the svn:revno thing is definitely a bzr-svn feature request.
However, nested trees in general is a Bazaar core feature, which is
what I was really vying for. :-)


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