[ANN] What with all these releases ?

Max Bowsher maxb at f2s.com
Mon Sep 20 08:35:40 BST 2010

On 20/09/10 02:58, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 19 September 2010 09:31, Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com> wrote:
>> All I meant is that the SRU process involves extra effort for us, and
>> the Ubuntu SRU team, and this effort is mostly separate for each
>> separate distroseries - so we need to decide for which ones it is worth
>> the effort. However, a lot of that effort disappears if we get a
>> MicroReleaseException.
> ... because they don't need so much individual verification of the changes?


>>>     > - perhaps by applying for a SRU MicroReleaseException for bzr:
>>>     > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions
>>> Yup, already done by Martin as said above, I don't think we got an
>>> answer yet.
>> Sounds good. We should find out what the current feeling and likely
>> timeframe is on this one, to know whether we need to do manual SRU
>> requests for these current releases.
> Three technical board members replied and they seem quite positive
> (indeed quite flattering).
> <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-September/000506.html>
>  They have one specific request which is that as part of the process
> we should run 'selftest' on the packaged form, which makes sense.
> (It's probably often done now, but perhaps it should be written down).

We could, if we chose, run it on the buildds as part of the package
build, too.

> I expect at the next TB meeting it will be formally approved and then
> added to the micro release approval list.
> I think we still need a figurehead bug to kick off an update?

Hmm. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions
does not explicitly say so, but looking at several example recent
uploads of packages already on the SRU/MRE list, they don't seem to
bother with figurehead bugs. (Though of course we should still ensure
all relevant LP bug numbers appear in the debian/changelogs).


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