Launchpad svn/git imports failure causes

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Fri Sep 10 00:21:58 BST 2010

Hi Martin,

On Fri, 2010-09-10 at 08:41 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 10 September 2010 07:27, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> > Max Bowsher and I have recently been looking at the causes for the
> > failures of some of the imports on Launchpad.
> >
> > After the 10.09 release of Launchpad a lot of the issues have been
> > resolved. The wiki pages at
> > and
> > document the remaining
> > failures.
> >
> > Below is the quick summary:
> Hi, thanks for summarizing that.  I think there are bugs for all the
> substantial failures here, so I won't manually search for them just in
> this mail.
Yeah - the wikis have some bug links.

> Considering the cost and benefit of fixing each of these, I think the
> ones that are simple bugs are good to fix first:
>  * paths with \
+1, fixing this bug would fix quite a few imports (the largest group
after nested trees) and it seems like a generally useful feature to

>  * bzr-svn: Empty parent '...' added, but child '...' wasn't added: 2
>  * bzr-svn: bzrlib.errors.InconsistentDeltaDelta generated: 1
>  (these latter two might be core bzr issues?)
These last two are almost certainly bugs in bzr-svn itself; the first is
in its analysis of svn history where it claims to find inconsistencies
that are obviously not present.

The second is a bzr-svn bug, but it would be useful if the bzr exception
that was raised was clearer - right now it basically dumps a
40-something-entry inventory delta and tells me "something is wrong

> If you want to point bzr team people to any particular foreign branch
> bugs or mentor them on them that could be good.
I don't think there are any important bzr-svn/bzr-git issues open
although I'm happy to mentor if there are any particular bugs you'd
like to work on. bzr-hg needs some attention; in particular bug 518510 is
causing a lot (most?) of hg imports to fail at the moment. 

> Beyond that probably nested trees and colocated branches makes sense
> to do first, which will obviously make many people happy.
Nested trees would be really, really, awesome.


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