Launchpad svn/git imports failure causes

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Thu Sep 9 22:27:21 BST 2010

Max Bowsher and I have recently been looking at the causes for the
failures of some of the imports on Launchpad.

After the 10.09 release of Launchpad a lot of the issues have been
resolved. The wiki pages at and document the remaining

Below is the quick summary:

bzr core issues (59):
  Nested trees: 46
  Lack of support for paths with \ names in Bazaar: 7
  Lack of support for symlink targets with newlines in them: 1
  arbitrary, non-utf8, string in filenames: 1
  colocated branches: 4

bzr-svn bugs (6):
  bzr-svn: Empty parent '...' added, but child '...' wasn't added: 2
  bzr-svn: bzrlib.errors.InconsistentDeltaDelta generated: 1
  codeplex (custom svn server): 2
  svn checksum mismatch (bzr-svn bug?): 1

launchpad bugs (2):
  launchpad code doesn't force specified branch path for svn: 2

server side issues (19):
  svn server side bugs: 13
  svn server timeouts: 3
  svn server ssl error: 1
  git: Invalid sideband channel 3: 1
  git: server returns HTML (no 404) on file not found: 1

bzr-git bugs (5):
  git smart server protocol: 2
  strange RevisionNotPresent error for git: 1
  git: InconsistentDelta: Entry was at wrong other path: 2


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