converting from cvs to bazaar

mafunk at mafunk at
Tue Sep 7 04:19:20 BST 2010

Hi Rob:
when i do: 'bzr log bzr/HEAD'
it tells me that: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/mydir/bzr/HEAD/".

So something seems to have not worked ...
I just understand what.


> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Matt Funk <mafunk at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am sorry if this is a stupid question but here it is:
>> I am trying to converted my cvs project to bazaar via:
>> bzr cvsps-import cvsrepo mymodule outputdir
>> bazaar does its thing and then i get 2 directories under the output
>> directory
>> called bzr and staging. Anyway, when i search through the output
>> directory  as
>> in: find . -name *cpp*
>> there is nothing.
>> So what am i doing wrong here? Did the import not work? How do i make it
>> work?
> The import has created a bzr repository - try 'bzr log bzr/HEAD' or
> something like that.
> You can check this out, make a new branch from it and so forth.
> Cheers,
> Rob

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