bzr+ssh on Windows?

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Sun Aug 22 03:10:20 BST 2010

Yes.  For those who asked: "" is the actual test server.  And
login "Kyle" is one of our dummy users on Windows.  I actually tried this
twice before posting: once with my own real (messy) account and then with
the unprivileged and clean "Kyle" account to make sure the problem wasn't a
fluke caused just my account being messed up.  You'll sometimes see me post
questions with logs that mention names like Aden, Blair, Cameron, Kathie,
Kyle, Ronan and Troy who are the grandkids of one of our IT people.  Me?  I
would have called them user1, user2, user3.  I mean the accounts, not the
kids.  :)

Anyway, the log below is from the second run and I'm sorry if that confused
my question.

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Maritza Mendez <martitzam at> wrote:

> Hi again.  Thanks to your help today, I have my linux boxes all happy using
> bzr+ssh to access a remote repository.  Cool.
> Now I want to get my Windows boxes doing the same.  I know there are some
> cygwin users here, so I'm hoping you can help me out.
> First let me say that I am running bzr 2.2.0 with bzr explorer 1.1b1 from
> the standalone installer and that's how I want to go.
> I have cygwin installed just so that I can generate and distribute keys,
> following the general advice on the wiki:
> So using cygwin, I did
>    1. 'ssh-keygen'
>    2. 'ssh-copy-id bzr at'  ('' hosts the remote repo,
>    which is owned by user 'bzr')
>    3. 'ssh bzr at'  <== success!
> Then I copied the private key id_rsa and the known_hosts file from my
> cygwin pseudo-home-directory to %USERPROFILE% which resolves to C:\Documents
> and Setings\martitza\.ssh
> The I started bzr explorer and used it to create/edit authentication.conf
> to say the same thing that works on my linux boxes:
> [mserver]
> scheme=ssh
> user=bzr
> password=secret  <== real password is different of course
> So now I think I am ready to access the repo owned by bzr at
> But I prompted for the password of bzr at anyway.  The rsa
> keypair is not being used!
> So I make things simpler.  I take bzr explorer out of the equation.  I open
> a DOS cmd windows and say
> bzr log bzr+ssh://
> and again bzr falls back to prompting me for the bzr at password.
> *Note!  At no time did bzr-explorer or the cmd line bzr prompt me for the
> passphrase for my private key!*
> The log confirms that the RSA keypair is not being used:
> Sat 2010-08-21 18:07:11 -0700
> 0.079  bazaar version: 2.2.0
> 0.079  bzr arguments: [u'log', u'bzr+ssh://
> 0.079  looking for plugins in C:/Documents and Settings/Kyle/Application
> Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
> 0.079  looking for plugins in C:/Program Files/Bazaar/plugins
> 0.172  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
> 0.219  bzr-svn: using Subversion 1.6.6 ()
> 0.329  falling back to default implementation
> *[ 2612] 2010-08-21 18:07:11.717 INFO: Connected (version 2.0, client
> OpenSSH_5.1p1)*
> *0.641  SSH authentication via id_rsa key failed.*
> *[ 2612] 2010-08-21 18:07:12.092 WARNING: password ignored in section
> [nebulocity], use an ssh agent instead*
> [ 2612] 2010-08-21 18:07:40.328 INFO: Authentication (password) successful!
> [ 2612] 2010-08-21 18:07:40.375 INFO: Secsh channel 1 opened.
> 29.688  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
> 30.438  Transferred: 7kB (5.6kB/s r:4kB w:3kB)
> 30.438  return code 0
> Can someone help me understand what needs to be done?
> I "know" the keys are good because the private one is an exact copy of the
> one from my cygwin pseudo-home-directory and I can ssh from cygwin to
> bzr at mserver using just the rsa keys.
> I'm pretty sure I put the private key in the right place, because if I
> remove the known_hosts file (from the same place) bzr notices and complains
> in the log.
> Does it mean that the bzr in the standalone installer is not build with
> using paramiko?
> Do I need to use the python-based window packages instead?
> Dazed,
> ~M
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