bzr 2.2 has gone gold

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Aug 20 09:47:06 BST 2010

In the interests of getting coherent package sets faster and with less
frustration, I'm thinking of getting only Lucid packages working
first.  Perhaps we should only really ship new releases on the current
stable release, or maybe also the current Ubuntu LTS release.  (Or at
least, prioritize that unless somebody specifically wants to do the
old ones.)

In some ways it makes sense to rebuild the oldest versions first and
then work forward, but the oldest ones are most likely to have other
changes that cause breakage.  The breakage is not often very large,
but there is enough lag that it becomes a bit tedious.

> bzr              - Martin Pool
> python-testtools -

this is ok now.

> bzrtools         -

bzrtools trunk has a bunch of test failures at the moment in trunk,
all apparently related to diff and probably shallow

> bzr-rebase       -
> bzr-builddeb     -
> bzr-loom         -
> bzr-pipeline     -
> loggerhead       -

I did these by copying the binaries from maverick into lucid in the
ppa.  We could write an api client to do that.

> dulwich          -
> bzr-git          -
> subvertpy        -
> bzr-svn          -

these also seem to be ok.

> bzr-explorer     - GaryvdM
> qbzr             - GaryvdM
> bzr-gtk          - GaryvdM

and these are now ok too.

So, yay, assuming these all get published without errors (not a
totally safe assumption), we should have the right versions in the
proposed archive for lucid.  If they all test out ok, we can promote
them to the main ppa.


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