Bazaar 2.2 Windows installer - selftest broken

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Aug 19 07:32:40 BST 2010

On 19 August 2010 16:14, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
>> Interesting.  Can you elaborate on this or direct me to a thread
>> describing this known issue?  For example, is this a temporary known
>> issue, or is it an issue-by-design?  I am asking because I've been
>> assuming (oops!) that all stable releases of bzr are subjected to pretty
>> much the same regression suite on all supported platforms.  Is that a
>> bad assumption?

We test on Windows, but we test before it's packaged up in to an exe.

> It's because of how py2exe'd python application works.
> Standalone bzr.exe is python application packaged into binary
> executable with py2exe tool. So it can work without Python interpreter
> installed in your system.
> Some parts of bzrlib tests expects to have the real Python interpreter
> to succeed. This is just not true in the case of bzr.exe. So you can
> expect those tests to fail.

I think it would be reasonable for those to be marked as skipped tests
in the case where we don't have a regular python interpreter.  If
someone wants to tackle this you just need to add a new test
dependency feature in tests.features, then call self.requireFeature in
the relevant tests.


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