explain uncommit to me please

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Sun Aug 15 21:26:08 BST 2010

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Chris Hecker <checker at d6.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the replies, folks.  A couple questions:
>> Yes, it's still in that repository. IIRC under some conditions it
>> can eventually get garbage collected, and it won't be added to a
>> "bzr branch" off that branch, so if you delete that repository or it
>> gets garbage collected, it's gone forever.
> Is there any way to get a list of these?

If you have the bzrtools plugin, you can use: bzr heads --dead-only

>> Do you need to understand it?
> Since when has that ever stopped anybody from trying to understand
> something?  :)



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