"bzr status" in a lightweight checkout

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Tue Aug 10 10:38:19 BST 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 5:16 AM, Andrew Bennetts
<andrew.bennetts at canonical.com> wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
> [...]
>> Alexander wrote:
>> > Does `bzr status` check for `tree revision is not up-to-date with branch revision` condition?
>> It does, though it could potentially do that by opening only the
>> branch not the repository, which may be faster.
> I suppose we could allow users to set a “don't check this tree is up-to-date”
> flag too.  There's no .bzr/checkout/checkout.conf, but I suppose we could add
> one (in a new format?), or perhaps just allow BranchReferenceFormat branches to
> have a branch.conf with a single “status_checks_tree_is_up_to_date = false”
> line?

It might be from years of using Subversion, but I don't expect status
to tell me anything about whether I'm update to date with the branch.
I only expect to get information about modifications to the working
tree.  Perhaps we can borrow from Subversion here and pass a flag to
status if we want that information?  Just a thought.

BTW, fixing this would also make using bzr-svn in a svn working copy
more tolerable.


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