External merge tool support (WIP)
Maritza Mendez
martitzam at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 15:32:46 BST 2010
Thank you very much!
I agree with the other respondents that consistency is a good goal and
that 'merge then resolve' is more intuitive than 'merge then merge'.
Again, thanks for taking on this important task.
On 8/3/10, Gordon Tyler <gordon.tyler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've been (slowly) working on better external merge tool support in bzr
> and qbzr. I've reached a point where external merge tools can be
> configured through 'bzr qconfig' and then invoked through 'bzr merge
> - --tool' (merges and then invokes merge tool for each file that has
> conflicts), 'bzr mergetool' (post-merge, invokes merge tool for each
> file in the working tree that has conflicts) and 'bzr qconflicts'.
> The branches are lp:~doxxx/bzr/mergetools and lp:~doxxx/qbzr/mergetools
> for bzr and qbzr respectively. They're not ready for merge proposals yet
> since I still need to improve the qconfig and qconflicts UI, and
> consider providing bzr commands (other than qconfig) for managing
> external merge tools.
> However, I would appreciate any comments you may have on their current
> state and the approach I am taking.
> Thanks,
> Gordon
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