whoa, qdiff and images!

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Aug 2 17:02:49 BST 2010

Chris Hecker пишет:
> It's not often that I'm pleasantly surprised by software, in fact 
> usually it's the opposite, but qdiff just showed me a png before and 
> after in the stream of other files that had changed.  I was not 
> expecting that.  Nice job!  :)

Thanks to Gary!

Actually we have this feature for >2 years now ;-)

> Now, if only there were keys for next and prev diffs, and text search, 
> and the mouse wheel worked while over the middle divider.  Some day I'll 
> install source and make a patch...
> Chris

Yes, please. To install sources: all you need is to run

bzr branch lp:qbzr

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