Work flow on large repositories

Chris Hecker checker at
Wed Jul 28 04:57:19 BST 2010

It seems like "large repository" means amount of history?  20mb is not 
very big at all for the .bzr, I think.  How many revisions are there?

My repo is 1k revisions, but 55mb, and operations are reasonably fast 
(creating a new working copy is a little pokey, 1300 files, but not too 
bad, maybe 10 seconds).

I'm very interested in this topic.  I have binary files in my repro 
(maya models and animations, photoshop psds, and audio files), and I'm 
worried about it blowing up in my face at some point, but so far it's 
been fine and I'm loving bzr relative to svn.


On 2010/07/27 19:40, Michael Hope wrote:
> Hi there.  I'm working on the gcc-linaro branch which is stored under
> bzr and hosted on Launchpad.  This is a fairly big branch as it was
> imported from upstream SVN and contains a large amount of history.
> Most of the work is day-to-day changes on topic branches.  I also want
> to run a buildbot style program that continually updates and builds
> the latest.
> My issue is that the various operations are taking too long.  Could
> anyone suggest tricks or a different work flow to speed things up?
> Some of the operations include:
> Creating a mirror branch by doing init-repo, branch lp:gcc-linaro/4.4.
>   The finding revisions stage takes about 10 minutes at 1kB/s.  The
> download stage is much faster.
> Day-to-day work is done on topic branches.  Creating the branch takes
> 46 s, 250 MB of RAM, and creates a 20 MB .bzr directory.  Pushing this
> branch to LP for merging involves pushing the full 20 MB, but this is
> acceptable.
> Doing a bzr pull on the 4.4 mirror directory may more than half an
> hour and more than 500 MB of memory.
> Doing a bzr checkout takes over 20 minutes and 800 MB of memory on my
> fastest machine.  On my netbook and ARM board this causes significant
> swapping.  I've yet to complete a checkout on either.
> I'd also like to share the mirror with other local machines to skip
> downloading the same 500 MB many times.  Running bzr serve and then
> checking out causes 100 % CPU usage for more than 10 minutes on the
> host.
> These numbers were with 2.2b4.  2.2 is significantly better than 2.1.
> -- Michael

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