command that batches bzr and qbzr commands

Michael Gliwinski Michael.Gliwinski at
Mon Jul 26 16:40:39 BST 2010

Hi all,

Is there an easy way to "batch" several other bzr or qbzr commands within a 
plugin command?

Basically an example of what I'm trying to do is write a command which 
downloads some files, imports them (like bzrtools' import) and then launches a 
qcommit dialog pre-filled with certain message and author, etc.

We use this to support ongoing development while the applications are being 
migrated to bzr (from just unversioned code running on the servers).

The question of batching commands though is something I've been meaning to ask 
regardless.  Basically sometimes you don't need to dive into lower-level APIs 
when all you need is to batch functionality already encapsulated in CLI cmd_ 
classes.  But basically is OK to run commands in cmd_ classes from another 
cmd_ class?


Michael Gliwinski
Henderson Group Information Services
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