fetching size increase rapidly...

Michael Andronov ma5645 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 00:57:43 BST 2010


I'm new to bazaar. I'm observing the bzr behaviour, which cannot
explain and looking for some help.

I have a branch with several revisions of multiple  *.h/*.cpp files in it.

If I execute the  bzr branch <locaion> -r 93   ,
then after fetching processing ~67MB a new branch appear.

If I execute the bzr branch <location> -r 94 ,
the the fetching processing grows to ~120 MB....

But there is no too much differences in size between the revisions...
(  A number of names within *.cpp files were changed, etc. No increase
in size).

Basically, the revisions before 93 has a small ( negligible?) increase
in 'size during fetching'.
But suddenly, all revisions after 93 -- roughly double the size each time...

It looks like after rev.93, something is not 'diffs' properly, and 'is
copied'  each time...

I double check -- all files are text files, nothing suspicious.

My question is -- what should I look at , how can I check what is
actually diffs, compressed, etc.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Have a great day,

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