no way to move files between directories in bzr explorer?

Chris Hecker checker at
Wed Jul 21 05:55:41 BST 2010

> As long as you are using the qbrowse working tree widget (the
> default), and not the classic, drag and drop works.

Hmm, if I do a bzr qbrowse and then try to drag a file, it just selects 
as I drag.  This is on Windows (Vista 64).

> Do you may be have a spam filter. Check if that is not catching it.

Yeah, I've tried all that, twice.  It's a google apps for domains 
account, as well, so the "get a gmail account" doesn't really help either.

I opened a support ticket.  That mail got through.  :)


On 2010/07/20 10:06, Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 7:26 AM, Chris Hecker<checker at>  wrote:
>> Am I missing some way to move files between directories in the qt gui? Yes,
>> I can issue a manual command, but I tried dragging files in the window, etc.
> As long as you are using the qbrowse working tree widget (the
> default), and not the classic, drag and drop works.
> There are a known bug with this feature: You cant move a file to the
> root directory.
> There is also a way to mark a removed, and a new file as a move. See

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