Fwd: [Question #117636]: Dreamweaver support, companies using Bzr?

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Jul 19 17:16:03 BST 2010

Can anyone tell Tim of using bzr with Dreamweaver?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tim Palac <question117636 at answers.launchpad.net>
Date: 13 July 2010 20:53
Subject: [Question #117636]: Dreamweaver support, companies using Bzr?
To: mbp at sourcefrog.net

New question #117636 on Bazaar:

Hi there!

We're looking into a few different VCS options for our relatively
small team, and would like some input from the community on a few

First off, I haven't been able to find anything supporting Dreamweaver
- is it generally just poorly supported amongst VCS, or am I just
missing something?  Perhaps I'll switch to another program that
supports it better, as everyone else uses Visual Studio.  Would like
to hear some feedback on that plugin as well.

Also, I'm wondering if anyone out there works on the
association/society .org world and is using VCS - or even just a
mid-sized company in general.I know my manager would be more likely to
support using this if other companies could vouch for it.


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