Help promoting Bazaar

John Szakmeister john at
Thu Jul 15 15:08:40 BST 2010

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:
>> 3. If you are using Bzr-Git, can you just do "bzr dpush" without any
>> other arguments? Btw, what's the difference between "push" and
>> "dpush"?
> I have no idea what ‘dpush’ is supposed to mean; every time it's
> explained to me I don't see why that name was chosen, and I forget the
> association. I think of it as “destructive push” because it discards
> existing history (fails to propagate the actual history), which makes it
> less reliable than ‘push’. Perhaps someone who actually uses it can
> describe its purpose better.

I'm not sure what 'dpush' means either, but I believe the name
borrowed from git'-svn's dcommit command (I don't see anywhere where
dcommit is explained either).  I think your analogy is good.  'dpush'
will push the revision into a foreign branch, but leaves off Bazaar
metadata.  As a result, the revisions in the branch being pushed
*from* are also regenerated.  They have completely new revision ids.
The goal of dpush is to leave off that metadata.


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