Help with Bzr-Git

Daniel Carrera dcarrera at
Wed Jul 14 17:34:41 BST 2010

Hi John,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:23 PM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> It would, but your context lines aren't quite enough. Specifically,
> Unified diff defaults to (IIRC) 3 lines of context. Add another "Line
> 4\nLine 5" and I think the hunks will be separate.

Nope. I just tried with 5 lines and even 7 lines, no difference.

> If you set "change_editor = ???" in ~/.bazaar.conf and it will let you
> press "e" to edit the changes that are displayed. Which lets you create
> a smaller diff hunk.
> For example, on Windows I have:
> change_editor = "C:/Program Files/Vim/vim72/gvim.exe -d"
> Which brings up gvim's side-by-side diff mode, which makes it pretty
> easy to set up what content you want to keep, and everything else will
> get shelved.

Can I just just any editor (e.g. nano) or does it have to be something
with "side-by-side diff mode"?

I just tried this:

echo 'change_editor = nano' > ~/.bazaar.conf
bzr shelve

And when I pressed "e" it just quit.

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