bzr ppa updates

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Jul 2 19:47:25 BST 2010

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:58 PM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
>> beta + stable IMO: 2.2 doesn't mean anything to a new user.
>> -Rob
> maybe, but we currently have 2.0 and 2.1, and soon will have 2.2 as
> 'stable'. AFAICT we'll always have at least 2 stable releases (if not
> 3). And 2.0 does mean something to someone who wants to stay with their
> stable release. (If nobody does, then why would we do the work to
> produce it.)

Well we're producing it largely for SRU's in Ubuntu.

Nevertheless we could produce bzr-2.0 bzr-2.1 bzr-2.2 packages that
all provide and conflict with bzr; then users could choose.


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