Bazaar and Visual Studio

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jul 2 16:26:56 BST 2010

Russel Winder пишет:
> From what I can see from a brief foray with Google, there is no
> integration of Bazaar into Visual Studio.  There was a project but it
> has been abandoned.  As far as I can tell Git and Mercurial have active
> projects for integration with Visual Studio.  Given that for some
> software development organizations Visual Studio is mandatory then
> without integration Bazaar cannot be a candidate where Git and Mercurial
> are.  Is this an issue worth addressing?

Couple of months ago I've tested beta of Visual Studio integration. It's 
called uniscc -- UnifiedSCC. It's not open sourse IIUC.

But in general you're right. There is no integration because nobody 
working on this. And nobody working on this because nobody interested 
too much. And...

hg beats bzr here.

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