No subject

Thu May 20 18:13:08 BST 2010

deleting them from the working directory. This is a bit different to CVS,
which requires that you also do cvs remove." I'm fairly new to version
control and Bazaar. What is the rationale behind this behavior? Is it solely
for the convenience of not needing a bzr remove?

It seems a little dangerous to delete files without an explicit bzr remove.
To be fair, I guess it's dangerous only if you aren't paying close attention
to the output of bzr status before you commit, which is bad practice anyway.
Even so, I think I like Mercurial's behavior better, where the status
command identifies deleted files as "missing" instead of "removed", and a
commit doesn't remove missing files from the branch. Can I configure Bazaar
so that bzr remove is required to remove a file?

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