Trouble with Launchpad...

Max Kanat-Alexander mkanat at
Wed Jun 30 02:34:17 BST 2010

On 06/29/2010 06:07 PM, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 30 June 2010 01:36, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> 'bzr annotate NEWS > /dev/null' takes 37.5s. And I think that is longer
>> than the timeout on Loggerhead.

	I'm coming into this thread a little late, but that is exactly the
problem that bzr-history-db was supposed to handle, right? I don't think
launchpad is running the bzr-history-db code for loggerhead yet.

>  * don't show annotations if the person just wants to see the content
> of the file
>  * load the text first then load the annotations through asynchronous javascript

	As a user, I almost always like the fact that annotations are shown by
default. I'd like to think that bzr-history-db would make things fast
enough that we wouldn't have to resort to any additional complexity, but
if we did, then yeah, AJAX would work. I think first we should probably
first make sure that loggerhead annotate is as fast as it can possibly
be with bzr-history-db, and then if there is still a problem,
investigate what can be done there.

>  * as John mentioned above, just have a predictable URL for the
> current version of a file

	There is one:

	But it could be simpler.

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