Trouble with Launchpad...

John Szakmeister john at
Tue Jun 29 22:51:29 BST 2010

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:36 AM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> I count 6060 changes to NEWS, and it is a 473kB file. Digging a bit, it
> accounts for 6.2MB of compressed content, and 1.37GB of uncompressed
> content.

*gasp*  What hope do I have on my projects then? :-(

> 'bzr annotate NEWS > /dev/null' takes 37.5s. And I think that is longer
> than the timeout on Loggerhead.

I didn't have a copy handy, or I would have tried that myself.  That's
a considerable amount of time though. :-(

> I believe there is already an open bug that we should allow you to have
> a way to get the content of a file without having to request its annotation.

I know it was mentioned here before.

> Anyway, I don't know if you used to be able to do this, but I wouldn't
> be surprised if the annotate view of NEWS has never worked.

You're probably right... it was the first time I've tried NEWS but
have browsed other files that way before.

> I would say you could use the 'download' link, but it appears that
> requires knowing the file-id.

Thanks for the link.  I ended up making way to a machine that I had
Bazaar on and branching from Launchpad.


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