bzr-explorer performance question

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Tue Jun 29 02:00:46 BST 2010

More info... repeating the experiment in bzr-explorer to get more
fine-grained data:

Start with a shared-repo-with-feature-branches model.

Copy all the usual test files to trunk

Press Add .. wait 76 seconds while the list of files to add is built.
** Observe "QTreeView::rowsInserted internal representation of the model has
been corrupted, resetting." in the DOS box.
Press 'OK' to actually add the files... another 34 seconds.
Compare 76+34=110 seconds to 2.9 seconds for 'bzr add' on the command line
(previous post)

Press Refresh... takes 464 seconds (7 minutes and 44 seconds!  even longer
than yesterday's tests!)
Press Refresh... <1 sec
Press Refresh... <1 sec

Press Commit... takes 91 seconds to build the list of files!
Press 'OK' to actually commit... takes 149 seconds (two minutes and 29

Press Refresh... takes 8 seconds
Press Refresh... <1 sec
Press Refresh... <1 sec

Again, these observations seem to confirm (1) that the first 'bzr stat'
after a major operation takes longer than subsequent refreshes and (2) that
qbzr -- at least as it is used in bzr-explorer -- is taking even longer to
'bzr stat' and (3) that qbzr is also slower than bzr on some other
operations, like add and commit.  These differences are scarcely noticeable
on small projects, but on larger projects like this can be quite

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