Pushing several local commits to a remote branch

Eli Zaretskii eliz at gnu.org
Sun Jun 27 20:34:24 BST 2010

> Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2010 13:21:04 -0500
> From: John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com>
> CC: bazaar at lists.canonical.com
> bzr up
>  Master
>   A        A
>   |        |
>   B        B
>   |        |\
>   C        C D
>   |        | |
>   E        E F
>            # waiting for commit
> bzr ci
>   A        A
>   |        |
>   B        B
>   |\       |\
>   C D      G D
>   | |      | |
>   E F      E F
>   |/       |/
>   G        G

So the net effect on the master repository is the same as if I worked
on a local branch, then merged to the bound branch and committed,

> You could possibly do something with 'bzr rebase' (or at least a
> rebase-like command), that could do:

There should be no need, having the DAG as above should be fine.


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