Python 3

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed Jun 23 08:47:20 BST 2010

>>>>> Robert Collins <robertc at> writes:


    > This is the docstring from testtools.compat for its _u function (just
    > tidied up a few minutes ago):
    > +"""A function version of the 'u' prefix.
    > +
    > +This is needed becayse the u prefix is not usable in Python 3 but is required
    > +in Python 2 to get a unicode object.
    > +
    > +To migrate code that was written as u'\u1234' in Python 2 to 2+3 change
    > +it to be _u('\u1234'). The Python 3 interpreter will decode it

s/decode it/decode '\u1234'/ ?

I had to re-read to come to this conclusion ("Python3 will decode" and
"Python 3 lets it through" are contradictory otherwise).

    > +appropriately and the no-op _u for Python 3 lets it through, in Python
    > +2 we then call unicode-escape in the _u function.
    > +"""

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