Python 3

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Wed Jun 23 07:54:23 BST 2010

Martin Pool wrote:
> You may well be right that 2to3 doesn't work well, or doesn't work
> consistently across all installations, or leaves enough hard problems
> unsolved that it is infeasible to have a single codebase across
> 2.3..3.1.  In that case we would have to choose between
>  1- having one branch written in the common subset of 2.3..3.1
>  2- dropping support for 2.4 (or also 2.5) in some bzr series
>  3- having a separate 3.x branch

Or, if the problem is just “not consistent across all installations” (as
opposed to 2to3 not working well for us at all):

 4- run 2to3 ourselves (using whichever version and extensions we
    consider best), and distribute the output.

IIRC, we already distribute tarballs with .c files that we have
generated from our .pyx source.  This doesn't strike me as much


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