Python 3

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Jun 23 01:58:00 BST 2010

On 23 June 2010 08:20, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
>>If the consensus from this thread is that this is ok, I'll update
>>HACKING docs appropriately.
> HACKING.txt doesn't describe the minimum Python version for which
> compatibility must be maintained.  Perhaps it should?  Maybe it's described in
> a different document?  It does *imply* in a few places that Python 2.4 is the
> minimum version.  Understandable of course, but darn.

It is described in
 I added that a while ago in response to some merge proposals that
were not 2.4 compatible because people didn't realize we needed it.

We had a discussion a while ago that settled that we wanted to keep
2.4 compatibility at least for a while.

Based on what I read at the time it seemed to me the next step was to
get things clean with -3, then perhaps test it remains so in Babune,
then try getting the tests to run under 2to3 in at least pure python
mode.  Many of these cleanups will improve our code even under 2.x.

Robert said
>  - 2to3 means an indeterministic program is actually run

In what sense is it indeterminisitic?


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