Fixing moves

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Jun 10 07:25:36 BST 2010

David Muir пишет:
> Harald Meland wrote:
>> [David Muir]
>>> Is there a way to apply moves to files that were moved, say 20 revs ago?
>> Not quite sure how to interpret that, is the following anywhere near
>> what you want?
>> Branch just before/after (depending on what you want) the old moves:
>>   bzr branch -r -20 my_branch fix_moves
>> Fix the moves:
>>   cd fix_moves
>>   bzr mv wrong_name right_name
>>   bzr commit -m "fixed move"
>> Merge the fix:
>>   cd ../my_branch
>>   bzr merge ../fix_moves
>>   # You might need to resolve conflicts here.
>>   bzr commit -m "merge move fixes"
> That sort of fixes it, but not quite what I'm after. I'd like to replace
> that earlier commit altogether.
> The problem is that files were moved using the filesystem, but the move
> was never registered with bzr. So I'm wanting to go back and apply the
> move. Is this where rebase or fast-import or something like that would
> come in handy?

Yes, because you need to re-write the history. fast-import will
destroy all your history and creates new one. rebase would be better,
but I'm not sure if it allows interactive rebase of each commit.

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