Switch from SVN to xxx ?
Philippe Lhoste
PhiLho at GMX.net
Fri Jun 4 13:59:29 BST 2010
On 04/06/2010 14:04, Martin Geisler wrote:
>> The different branching models are a major concern if you are using a
>> heavy weight IDE. You can't possibly afford to use one-branch-per-bug
>> for a large project using a Java IDE in HG for example, since that
>> requires initialising your IDE for a new working tree
> That is not true -- using anonymous or named branches would be fine for
> this as described here:
> http://mercurial.aragost.com/kick-start/tasks.html
This reminds me of my question asked against Mercurial on this topic:
Mercurial practices: use with IDEs and scalability
Funnily, I see you answered it (6 months after I asked it!).
I haven't accepted an answer yet, partly because I finally switched to Bazaar, but maybe I
should accept your, as it seems to answer pretty well the question.
Philippe Lhoste
-- (near) Paris -- France
-- http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
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